From a PubMed search... a coaching career

  • I set my heart on becoming a life coach for physicians in between my 3rd and 4th years of medical school. I worked as an educator teaching med students, doctors and community health workers across the country about Motivational Interviewing. And one day, while doing a PubMed search, I stumbled upon 2 articles on life coaching for physicians.
  • Out of curiosity I decided to click on them and found myself voraciously reading, highlighting and taking notes. I thought, "THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!" So I looked all over the web for more information but I couldn't find anything.
  • That was 2008. And, realistically, I still wanted to be a doctor. And I'm still happily doctoring part time.
But the amazing thing that happened that day was that I discovered that my dream job -- something I thought I'd completely made up cuz as far as I knew there wasn't a word for it (being something like a navigator but not a mentor or an advisor exactly) for doctors, residents, med students. I found out that it actually existed as a job! It actually had a name!

It was "Life Coach".

Fast forward through graduation, residency, marriage, house-buying...and then total and utter burnout in my 1st job out.

It took me a year to notice my burnout. I felt very alone, and resentful when I couldn't get help. I was the worst version of me. It took me another 6 months to realize that I could do something about it...myself. I didn't even think to look for a coach. On my own I decided to change EVERYTHING. I worked on my thoughts. And with the help of my wife and friends, I found more welcoming, well-organized places to work. I had a potpourri of amazing jobs that fit my passions and I felt integrated again.

After that, life progressed. My wife Laura (also a family physician) is a leader within her organization, we've had two kids, the beginning of 2020...I had just enough bandwidth to launch my dream and get certified as a Life Coach.

I remembered WHY, got brave, forked over $$$, and worked hard.

And now? I'm a Life Coach for physicians and I built my dream career. I work with doctors who care deeply about the communities they serve. And I still see patients. Once a week. Because I want to.

My journey has been just as full of discomfort and failure as it has been full of joy and celebrations of success. It requires re-assessment of my priorities on a regular basis. And lots of self-coaching. And I wouldn't have it any other way. It's everything I dreamed about so many years ago and more. And I wake up every morning excited to figure out what's next. Really! :O)

Taking The Leap
the timing was
...just right
  • I'd been wanting to be a life coach for doctors ever since medical school when I found 2 articles on coaching while doing a PubMed search.
  • The timing, for me, was perfect. I finally had a little more bandwidth after our younger daughter turned 1. And it perfectly coincided with what appeared to be the beginnings of a culture shift in medicine. There were some public statements and changes being made within big academic institutions and the government where they, and the mainstream media, acknowledged that we had a major problem in healthcare and that we urgently need to do something about it.
  • By then, there was even Randomized Controlled Trial data (from just the prior year) showing reductions in burnout and improvements in resilience and quality of life. Forward-thinking organizations in a few places around the country re-structured their leadership and hired Chief Wellness Officers. Medical societies, medical schools, and other institutions were paying for coaching for their employees and learners. The AAMC had even developed a publication (and now a book) with recommendations and guidance on building coaching programs for medical students because the data was becoming so robust.
  • A groundswell had begun to form. And I wanted to be a part of it. So I talked with Laura, my wife, and we decided it was time for me to embark on that journey of my get certified and start working as a life coach for physicians. And to really live aligned with my values. To be the change I wanted to see in the world.
  • So off I went! I reduced my FTE a tiny bit and I signed up for a certification program that I knew would be great. It was very expensive. An even more of a time commitment than I had thought. (I was still working my regular job right?!?!). But it was exactly what I needed.
  • The crazy thing is that at the time, my life was great. And while I knew intellectually that everyone could benefit from coaching, I didn't expect that coaching was going to have as big and as great of an impact on my own life in that moment as it did. Before my certification program started, I had never actually been coached myself!
  • For sure the biggest period of personal growth in my life occurred during my coach certification. I was learning, yes. But mostly I attribute the growth to the fact that I was getting coached myself, working through a lot of hard stuff, multiple times each week. For an entire year.
  • Getting coached is what helped me hone the vision that I started dreaming about 12 years earlier. Getting coached is what helped me get as brave as I needed to get to take the leap of faith and walk away from that very secure, financially stable, enjoyable doctor job that I order to achieve my dream. Getting coached is what helped me learn from all my failures. And coaching, along with the 100,000% support of my wife, is what helped me create this amazingly fulfilling career.
  • And now that I've been doing this for years and have built a really nice, thriving coaching practice, a lot of people look at me and say, "I could never do something like that...just change careers and do something completely new and build something like this from nothing." And to those people I say, "yep, it was really challenging. And I had to be really courageous. Over and over again. But it wasn't hard. Because all I had to do was remember why I was doing it. Why I was committed to doing this no matter what." Cuz I truly believe that I was meant to do this. And I really am good at it. And I enjoy the heck out of it.
  • I get to coach physicians who care deeply about the communities they serve. And in doing so, I get to continue to grow and cultivate my own dreams while helping others do the same. It's the most fulfilling thing I've ever done in my whole life. My goal is to lift up the health of our communities by focusing on helping the helpers. That's you and me! It's my friends. It's my teachers. And all the other wonderful doctors out there in the world! I'm so lucky.
  • Coaching has been and continues to be life-changing and totally transformative for me and for my clients...and by "clients" I mean each individual client of mine AND for each organization that I work with as well.
  • So what are you waiting for? Let's make some CHANGE!

Who I Am
& My Motivation

I figured out that the most meaningful thing I could do with my life was to help people effectively navigate the ups and downs of life and achieve their goals.

So let me help you! Believe it or not, coaching counts as CME. And it's the most useful CME you'll ever find.

I am ready for change!