Feel Better TODAY

Ready for some calm, confidence, and clarity? You are in the right place.

Discover how to:
  • ⭐️ Harness the power of evidence-based well-being choices so you can feel empowered and in control of your health and happiness. 💛 👩🏽‍⚕️
  • ⭐️ Cultivate an unwavering commitment to yourself so you can experience joy and balance in all areas of your life. (relationships, intimacy, self-care, health, career, spirituality, finances, adventure, learning & more) ⚖️ 🤗
  • ⭐️ Leverage the strength of a nurturing community so you can achieve the FULFILLING LIFE you've always wanted. 🙋🏻‍♀️🦹🏼‍♀️👩🏻‍⚕️🦸🏽‍♀️
You're practiced at showing a strong, confident facade, while inside...you're struggling.
You'll find the expert guidance and safe space you need RIGHT HERE.
to notice

What works & what doesn't. What's toxic & what serves you.

to interrupt old cycles

It takes courage to be vulnerable. To look at yourself with honest eyes and blaze a new trail.

to stop the overwhelm

Overwhelm, Anxiety,
Worry, Confusion...we will take them all on. And win.

to trust that you can

Ask for a raise & get it.
Be a great CMO.
Get home on time.
Parent patiently.
Make sustainable change.

You CAN! And life will never be the same.

Sign up in our INAUGURAL YEAR and save 20%!!

Grab This Deal Before It's Gone!!

  • 35+ Hours of CME (Value: $700)
  • Feel Better TODAY Online Community (Value: PRICELESS!)
  • Quarterly CME Newsletter (Included)
  • Belief Buddies & other Benefits (Value: $1,000)
  • 6 Core Skills Course with CME(Value: $1,000)
  • 2 LIVE Monthly Group Coaching Calls + replays w/CME (Value: $1,200)
  • 1st Access to Live Events In-Person & Virtual (Value: PRICELESS)
  • Additional Workshops & Classes w/CME added each year(Value: $600)

Total Value $4,500

Yours For Only $3,600

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Grab this limited time offer before it is gone

Want to just try it out or ready to go all in?

Learn about all the additional benefits you will receive as an annual member below! But want to just give it a test run? Sign up for the monthly plan and upgrade anytime!



  • Renews Monthly
  • Upgrade to Annual Subscription
    OR cancel at anytime
Frequently Asked Questions
The monthly membership is a great way to test things out! So yes you can cancel at anytime or upgrade to the Annual Membership to save 20%!
You can access the community and modules online via a computer or Thinkific has an app which makes it very user friendly and easily accessible.
Yes you are encouraged to choose your own Belief Buddy or Buddies. This is not a binding commitment. We encourage members to meet and chat with others within the safety of our community rooms and spaces and then invite anyone you seem to click with to be a Belief Buddy. We recommend forming a diad and having 1 Belief Buddy who you commit to. Or if you're more of a group person, that you form a small group of no more than 4 Belief Buddies to encourage space for everyone and also to make it easy enough to find meeting times that work for all.
Yes. But you will not be refunded any remaining months. You can cancel either an annual subscription or a monthly subscription at any point. You will have access to the site until the moment you were scheduled to renew.
You don't receive the additional benefits as a monthly member that come with an annual membership, including a free workbook and additional savings.
You are welcome to follow the structure we provide or to create your own structure. You set the cadence and content of your meetings. You can even come up with your own team name. Is this your Genius Hour? Is this the Meeting Of The Minds? Or simply, time with your Belief Buddy? This if YOUR experience and you're encouraged to set goals for your partnership and shared expectations that work for all parties. And to check in with each other regularly about how it's going for you to address small things that come up early. And foster openness and mutual respect and love.
What You Will Get:
Group Coaching

Our Group Coaching sessions offer a unique & rich experience whether you're brave & ready to get coached, feeling timid and prefer to watch & learn from others, or you're in post-call exhaustion and just want to be with supportive friends. We meet you where you're at and everyone benefits. You'll develop skills & clarity on topics like guilt, challenging relationships, boundaries, parenting, breaking harmful cycles, interrupting overwhelm, time management, and finances while also developing community with other clinicians growing in similar ways. The 1st session you'll come as an individual and leave as an inspired member of our family. The more you show up, the more skills & bandwidth you'll have to curate the life you want.

Our Supportive Community

We offer an amazing combination of a safe, supportive, growth-minded online community while also hosting fun & inspiring in-person community gatherings and events. This is YOUR SPACE. We moderate. But your needs and participation dictate the topics discussed. The community section within our dedicated mobile app is 100% dedicated to our members. The rooms and spaces within the online platform offer discrete areas for discussions. For practicing skills, for building courage, for celebrating success, offering ideas, and for advocacy & organizing. For giving & getting support during big times of need. For sharing resources, opportunities, mentorship and more. Our online and in-person live events nurture relationships, remind us to break free of our limitations, and encourage continued growth.

Belief Buddies

In Feel Better + Do Better we're dedicated to surrounding ourselves with people who believe in our dreams. Why? Because, like it or not, there's a shocking percentage of us high achieving doctor types who are very externally motivated. We created the Belief Buddies program to help you cultivate your belief in yourself and your capacity to show up and experience all the tricky things you'll encounter as you challenge yourself in these new ways. Every member of our community has an open invitation to team up with 1 to 3 other people to serve as Belief Buddies. Life is more fun and often more meaningful when we have buddies to cheer for and who cheers for us. Your Belief Buddies will nurture a strong sense of self-belief, self-trust, and self-worth in you. And hold you accountable in ways you might find challenging to do for yourself. And what's marvellous is that you'll do the same for them. There are wonderful people here. And while their journey is theirs, we're learning, stretching, & challenging ourselves in the same ways. So grab a buddy and let's go!

Online Courses

Coaching concepts naturally build on each other. Within Feel Better + Do Better is a growing collection of convenient, engaging, thoughtfully crafted online material created specifically for you. Here you'll learn and practice the absolutely foundational skills that women in medicine need to thrive. How are we supposed to role model these skills for our children and our patients...like emotional regulation, creating & maintaining healthy boundaries, conflict resolution, and self-advocacy...if we can't even do them successfully yet ourselves? The process is simple. You start at the beginning with our 6 Core Skills Course. And then you'll pick and choose videos on topics as they resonate with your life and where you're looking to grow. You'll learn from me and people I respect & cherish. Owning Your Leadership, Mommy Guilt, Challenging Workmates, Love, Intimacy & Sexuality, To Parent Or Not To Parent, Dealing With Our Moms, Getting It Done, Unleashing Your Inner Money Badass and more. So much will resonate over time.

Additional BONUSES

*For Annual Memberships only

  • Everyone who signs up before 11:59 PST on Tuesday, November 7th will receive a Year 1 workbook
  • When you sign up before then, you’ll ALSO get an additional 20% off the reduced ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP price.
  • For the first 20 people who sign up, we’ll also send you a soft, cozy, V-neck shirt that says “Gooooo TEAM!”

Get ready to


Expert guidance from an experienced physician coach, in-depth video modules, easy to access CME credits, downloadable, useful worksheets, a convenient and user-friendly platform with dedicated phone app, a supportive & resourceful online community with engaging in-person opportunities and more!



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